Feb 23, 2007

Anna Grace....again!!!

Yesterday, I had a particularly busy day with the kids. First of all, I had made chocolate pudding and put it in a glass container in the refrigerator. The next time the refrigerator door was opened....CRASH! There were tiny slivers of glass and chocolate pudding everywhere! I began wiping the pudding that was dripping down the cabinets and clearing away glass. My little bare foot children stood watching on the sidelines with their mouths hanging wide open. Well, almost all of them were standing there watching. I didn't notice that one was missing. Anna Grace seized the moment (and my lipstick) and took off. When I stood up and turned around, I saw this...

Why is it that whenever there is trouble, I am always bumping into this face?!!
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Feb 21, 2007

The Hershey Kiss

I got one of those huge Hershey kisses for Valentines Day. I was using it for decoration on my dining room table. It looked so cute there among my flowers and heart decorations. One day as I was passing through the dining room, I encountered this:

At first, I was shocked and then frightened. Did we have mice?! And could those mice unwrap that foil with such deliberate intentions? I mean, what else would leave those bucky tooth marks?!!! It had to be a mouse, or could it be somebody living within the 4 walls of my home? It was now time for me to get all dental records on everyone in this entire household.

and the guilty party is...........................

Anna Grace, my dessert-deprived child!

Well, ya know, they say that chocolate has its "health benefits." If that's true, than my Annie is the healthiest girl on earth!

PS This statement has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Who are those people anyway? Do they approve anything anymore?
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