May 6, 2011

Mary is in LOVE!

Mary is absolutely IN LOVE with horses. She even asked me when she could "muck out a horse stall." -now that's love! (or maybe a little psychotic) I mean good grief! I love my babies, but not once did I ever look into that sweet, little, round baby face and say, "Sweetie, when are you going to do a big 'dookie' so I can change you?"

When she first started talking about horses, I thought it was just a phase that would go away.

A wise, seasoned mother told me. "Girls go through these stages. First, they love horses, and will be boys."

We immediately signed her up for lessons. She'll be riding until she's 50.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics of Mary and Friend! You can tell she loves horses because that sweet little grin is on her face the whole time she's riding as well!

Glad to see you blogging again!
P S - 50 is a little young to date...
don't you think you might be "pushing" things a bit?

Becky said...

Yes. You're right. Make it 60.

Mary said...

I love that horse! LOL! :P

Trish said...

LOL!! I love this! Kind of funny that the first time I had a chance to read it--I am in Greenville with Krissy Kris! :) Beautiful horse, Mar!! You'll have to introduce me this summer...
Auntie T

good_to_be_home said...

Love that first pic! So glad that she has the opportunity!