May 8, 2008

May flowers

April showers bring May flowers....and flowers mean Grampy and Grammy are coming home soon!!!!

Dear Grampy and Grammy,
The snow is all melted and the flowers are coming out. It's safe to come home now.

Grampy, remember you told me that we could work in your garden together? I hope we don't see a snake, but if we do, you'll get him, right?

I'll be waiting in the garden for you.

I love you SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!

your gardening partner forever.


Trish said...

Beautiful daffodils! I think Grampy will be looking forward to coming home after seeing that adorable picture of Emma!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Word!
What a beautiful little grandchild! You can bet Dad will be home in a flash! Can't wait to come home and see all my little grandchildren. We are both getting so excited about coming home.

Thank you for cheering us up this morning. What a sun-shine-y little blog! You are quite the photographer.