There are some things about raising boys that I am still trying to understand. Why must boys tease? And why must boys wrestle? Why do they feel the need to run, hop or crawl like an animal from one room to the other? Why do they enjoy being dirty? And what is the deal with sword fighting? Today Matthew was teasing Mikey. Mikey came to me in tears and told me about it. I had a serious talk with Matt about his words and how they have the power to build someone up or tear them down. I told him that teasing is ok as long as both people involved are laughing, but the minute that one person's laughter stops, you have crossed over and you are now hurting them. No one forgets hurtful words. They never go away. You can say "I'm sorry," but you can never take back what you said. I want our children to understand this. It seems like we are always going over this principle! Today was one of those days where you wondered if you taught your children anything at all. I'm tired, and I couldn't wait for the children to take their showers and go to bed. I walked into the bathroom to grab the dirty clothes, contemplating all that today held. As soon as the door swung open, this is what I saw....

A big, fat man with tiny stick arms and legs drawn into the steamy mirror. His name? Matt. Mikey was giggling and singing in the shower.
HA-larious! That Mikey is adorable. I'm convinced the younger sibling has to have a sense of humor. It's a survival tactic.
Oh it's survival alright! I don't know what made me laugh more...the actual picture drawn on the mirror or Mikey giggling in the shower. I came out and said, to Matt, "your brother left you a message in the bathroom." Matt walked in and yelled, "MIKE!!!!" Mikey's laughter echoed off the bathroom walls and all through the house. Matt was laughing pretty good, too. It was very funny. Usually, it's Matt that gets the last word in. Of course, I did just put them to bed. This may not be over yet!!!!
-yawn- I'm going to bed.
Beck--didn't get a chance last night--just read this and......
What can I say? Priceless. Mom, you are so right about the baby having a sense of humor. It's probably why I get my feelings hurt so easily as an adult--b/c I never had an older sibling to pick on me!!!!
LOL--LOL--Our Mikey is a gem.
P.S. Krissy--sorry for all the mean things I did to you! :)
Ahem, well since you apologized I guess I can finally Windex the likeness of you I drew on my bathroom mirror the other day.
I'm not sure what's funnier what Mikey did or that Krissy said she did the same thing to her older sister. :) I agree, having an older sibling does help toughen you up a little -- we've started purposely teasing and calling Isabella names to make up for it. :) (Ok, just kidding if any stranger is reading that) Actually Amelia can be such a bully so we don't need to worry. So this is what Isabella has to look forward too, Mikey drawing fat pictures of her on a mirror. I'm laughing again that he was giggling in the shower, this is SO something his mommy would do, be laughing at herself before anyone else has. :)
lol....HEY! I don't laugh at myself. Ok, unless it's really, really funny and you gotta admit, most of them are!
and, very funny with that name calling to Isabella business! Question: were you giggling at yourself as you typed it? I would have been....OH! but you already knew that, didn't you?
Oh yes, we are comic geniuses in our own right. Thankfully we share a similar sense of humor, so one of us is not left laughing at our own jokes on the phone. :)
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