I love this picture! It was taken the day after we brought our Annie home from the hospital. As you know, she was born on Matt's birthday. He never once showed any jealousy of having to share his birthday. In fact, he felt extra special for getting a sister on his special day. The years have passed now and she's too big to fit on his lap, however the tender care that this picture displays is still in his heart. Matt is a wonderful big brother. He came to Joel and I the other night, needing to talk. Someone had been mean to his little brother, and it brought him to tears. He is an affectionate little guy and I love him for that...and so much more!!!!! I pray our children will always take care of each other, even when they're grown, have their own children and Daddy and Mommy have gone to heaven.
I enjoyed catching up on your blog so much today! Sweet picture, and how special to share the same b-day...wow!!
Your fairy tale evening was SO CUTE!!! What a great idea!!
Thanks, Alyssa! I'm glad you stopped by. If you can believe it, Matt and Annie aren't the only ones to share a birthday. Our other girls, Mary and Emma were both born on May 14th. (4 years apart) Out of 5 kids, we only have 3 birthdays to celebrate. Our poor Mikey is the only one who doesn't share a birthday. -I told him we'd get him a fish that was born on Oct. 26th. :o)
Matt has always had a sweet, sensitive heart. There is no "mean-ness" in him! He is compassionate,loving, and protective. He certainly is deserving of the rightful title: BIG BROTHER!
Taking care of each other when Mommy and Daddy go to heaven....won't be a problem for them. They love eachother-and it shows!
He is an angel. I love him. Oh yeah, and I think my sistah is the bomb, too. Happy birthday, Anna!!
I can't believe how big everyone is getting. I feel that I missed so much last month. Now that everyone is starting to feel better, we should get together. I am going to be down sometime around Easter. (if Mom and Dad can take another round of the Crawford Twins!!) We should get together. Maybe we could even pop in on our way down!
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