One of the things I love about living here is the beauty that surrounds us. With each passing season, God's handiwork is so evident. This winter, we have had more snow than average. We've been outdoors soaking it up before it melts away. The kids made a snowman that was "taller than daddy." -a giant in their eyes :o)
Daddy taking Mary for a snowmobile ride. She squealed anytime he went above 10 mph.
Guess it will be a while before we swing here....
The snow is so beautiful when it's glistening in the sun. It looks like diamonds are tucked inside. Sometimes as I look out, I have to shield my eyes from the brightness of it. And to think that God says he will take our sins, wash them and make them "whiter than snow."
Psalm 51:7 "Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
Wow, Polky McPolkadoterson. I simply love your blog's new look. ;) Way to go on that one.
I loved seeing the snow pictures. I think Dad has some neat ones from the day we were out there snowmobiling and sledding if you can get them.
Fresh starts, forgiveness, making us new--we are so blessed that ". . . His mercy endures forever."
Love you,
P.S. Cin [der] Ella?! Ahhhhhh.
Thank you, thank you. I worked long and hard on perfecting each polka dot. Glad you enjoyed it.
lol, on Annie-bo-bannie's little saying, "Cin! Ella????!!!!!! -ahhhhhhhh." [cue fainting chair] That will go down in history, and be mulled into the ground until it stops being funny.
Cin! ELLA???? Stop being funny? -ahhhhhhhh!!
Just seeing these pictures makes me want to be there. Maybe not in that swing, mind you. BUT there! Sipping Cawfee with my girls. sniff
Awwww, Mommy, I know! Coffee with Beck is the MOST fun, isn't it?
That is, when she allows ME to use the french press. Otherwise, she has a tendency to skimp on the strength. I mean, the way I see it, if you're going for the buzz, you can't hold back.
Well, this was all hearts and flowers until you had to make the crack about the coffee. Excuuuuuuuussssssssse me if I turn down the sludge that you drink. It's me or your French press, Kris. You can't have us both.
and by the way, mom, ya gotta giggle outta me on the spelling of certain words like "ya neww" and "cawfee." Nice touch.
Whoa, Nellie. Let's not get too personal here or we'll have to take this outside. I like my coffee strong and that's something you're going to have to learn to love about me.
By the way, while we're on the topic of coffee, let's discuss New Englanders and their sometimes fanatical loyalty to Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Has anyone else noticed that trend and what's it all about?
Um, I do believe the slogan is "America runs on Dunkin," not "New Englanders runs on Dunkin." -And last time I checked, you are still residing here in this great nation.
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