Oct 28, 2008

Guess Whose 7?

October 26, 2001, God sent us a gift. Our sweet, little, blonde, sparkly-eyed baby boy was born. (correction: he was born with dark hair, not blonde) Mikey is our tender-hearted, caring child. He is always looking out for his sisters.

Most days, he can be found quietly putting together some work of art with his legos. He also loves to play army outside. Emma was allowed the great honor of being a soldier with Mikey. Annie was the nurse.....

(ummm, someone might want to let the nurse know her fly is down)

Mikey loves football...in particular the Patriots. He is the only one who will sit with Joel through a whole game, and not fall asleep...

Dad and Mom, this is what Mikey chose to buy with his birthday money. He truely believes that he is on the Patriots football team now. He pulled it out of the box, and ran to put it on. Yesterday, he was outside all afternoon, throwing his football up in the air and running to catch it, all the while making crowd noises for himself.

Then, he would strut down the field, head held high, like he just made the winning point. He was having the time of his life all alone, just him and his imagination!

It's 8:00 in the morning, and guess who just came downstairs in full uniform? Presently, he is trying to eat his scrambled eggs through his helmet.

I look at him and wonder what he'll grow up to be. He says that he wants to be "a soccer and a football player, a Daddy who goes to work, AND he's going to marry Isabella." Isabella is my friend, DeAnna's, daughter. We have jokingly said since Isabella was born that our children will get married someday.

About 3 years ago, Mikey and I were in the car on our way to the doctors. "Mommy?" he said, "Does Isabella love God?" I said, "Well, she's a little baby right now, but she has a mommy and daddy who love God and they are teaching her about Him." He sat, thinking for a moment, "What happens if I marry someone who doesn't love God?" I said, "Oh honey, than you will have a hard life, and that would make me sad." His eyes grew wide, and he let out a nervous sigh, "Ohhhh, I really hope Isabella will love God." :o)

Here is his little girlfriend today:

loving God with all her heart..... :o)

Adorable, isn't she?!!!!

Happy Birthday, Mikey. Thank you for adding so much love and sweetness to our family. Someday, we will look back on this picture and say, "Ohhhh, look how little he was." But for right now, I'm dabbing my eyes saying, "Look how big he's getting."
I love you, baby!

Oh Lord, help us raise this little man for you!


good_to_be_home said...

I pray that same prayer for my own boys/children. I'm so thankful that the Lord is in control.
Your family is beautiful! Thanks for inviting me to see your blog. Love, Shanda

Anonymous said...

Gulp. Oh there I go. . . definitely going into the "first day of school cry." Mikey has always been my special boy. I still remember the day he got all concerned for me when he realized I didn't have a husband. I think he offered to come and live with me because he thought I needed taking care of. So sweet and sensitive! Happy birthday, buddy! Did you get your present in the mail yet?

Anonymous said...

He is such a little angel! You're right, Krissy. He is so sweet and sensitive! I loved the football outfit, Beck. He looked adorable today. What a big boy he is becoming!! Sniff.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm flying down Interstate 95 in the Motorhome, 10 Miles from Jacksonville, FL, crying my eyes out. Dad just looked at me like, "What in the world?" So...then I had to read it AGAIN, blubbering like a total idiot! I've got tissues and everything!
When I think about my Mikey, I always remember what your sister, Annie said to me: "Mom in all the years I have lived with Becky and Joel I have Never seen Mikey in a bad mood." That sums it up for everyone who knows our little guy. Whether he grows up to be the next Tom Brady matters little...Isabella is going to have one terrific husband! And Deanna? Oh, my word....Isabella has grown, and is even more beautiful than the last time I saw a picture of her! I'm lovng those wonderful dimples.

Anonymous said...

oh she is so cute!