Jan 12, 2008

Music to my ears! (well some of it was)

We were blessed to have "Miss Sarah" over hour house last week. She was introduced to us by Mary's violin teacher. She and "Miss Merrillan" gave us our own little recital. We all sat with our mouths hanging open. They are amazing! I can't think of any other word than that...actually, spectacular would fit, too. Afterward, they allowed the kids to play their instruments. (a VERY brave thing to do.) The kids enjoyed every minute.

Psalm 103: 33 "I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being."

And this is just for you, Aunty Krissy...

We are still working on the one chord that you taught us over Christmas break. Maybe you could teach us a new one? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAASE! TEACH US A NEW ONE!!!!!!!!! I beg you.


Anonymous said...

Sure, tell Joel I'll teach him a new chord when I come home this summer. ha ha ha. . .

Becky said...

You jest. I'm dead dog serious....between "Polly Wally Doodle" and "Hey Hoe, Nobody Knows," these boys could BOTH use some help in the ole chord and strumming department.